Source code for mgkit.plots.unused

.. versionadded:: 0.1.14

Code deprecated or untested

from __future__ import division

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from ..utils.common import deprecated
import numpy
import logging

    from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
except ImportError:
    ConvexHull = None

    import seaborn as sns
except ImportError:
    sns = None

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'archaea': '#4daf4a',
    'bacteria': '#377eb8',
    'fungi': '#ff7f00',
    'streptophyta': '#e41a1c',
    'ciliophora': '#984ea3'
"Default colours for root taxa"

# for backward compatibility

[docs]@deprecated def lineplot_values_on_second_axis(gene_num, axis, colour='c', ylabel=''): """ .. deprecated:: 0.1.13 Adds a lineplot on a second axis using twinx """ ax2 = axis.twinx() ax2.plot(axis.get_xticks(), gene_num, colour) ax2.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax2.set_yscale('log') return ax2
[docs]def plot_scatter_3d(data, labels, colours=None, pointsize=10., title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', zlabel=''): """ Scatter plot in 3d. Used for cluster results :param array data: :class:`numpy.array` with shape n, 3 :param array labels: labels to categorise samples :param dict colours: dictionary whose keys are the labels and the values are valid :mod:`matplotlib` colours :param int pointsize: point size :param str title: plot title :param str xlabel: label for x axis :param str ylabel: label for y axis :param str zlabel: label for z axis :return: axis instance """ fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d') label_dict = {} for label, features in zip(labels, data): try: label_dict[label].append(features) except KeyError: label_dict[label] = [features] for label, data_points in label_dict.iteritems(): if colours is None: colour = numpy.random.rand(3, 1) else: colour = colours[label] data_points = numpy.array(data_points) ax.scatter(data_points[:, 0], data_points[:, 1], data_points[:, 2], s=pointsize, c=colour) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel) fig.suptitle(title) return ax
[docs]def plot_scatter_2d(data, labels, colours=None, pointsize=10., title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', centers=None, marker='*', marker_colour=None, markersize=None, hull_points=True, linewidth=0.2, legend=True, anno_center=True): """ Scatter plot in 2d. Used for cluster results :param array data: :class:`numpy.array` with shape n, 2 :param array labels: labels to categorise samples :param dict colours: dictionary whose keys are the labels and the values are valid :mod:`matplotlib` colours :param int pointsize: point size :param str title: plot title :param str xlabel: label for x axis :param str ylabel: label for y axis :return: axis instance """ fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) label_dict = {} for label, features in zip(labels, data): try: label_dict[label].append(features) except KeyError: label_dict[label] = [features] if colours is None: # unify this, generate random colors in a go gen_colours = [] colour_step = 256 // len(label_dict) for label, data_points in sorted(label_dict.iteritems()): if colours is None: colour = cm.Set1(label * colour_step) gen_colours.append(colour) else: colour = colours[label] data_points = numpy.array(data_points) if (len(data_points) > 2) and hull_points: if ConvexHull is None: LOG.error("ConvexHull from scipy.spatial couldn't be imported") else: hull = ConvexHull(data_points) for simplex in hull.simplices: ax.plot( data_points[simplex, 0], data_points[simplex, 1], '-', colour=colour ) ax.scatter( data_points[:, 0], data_points[:, 1], s=pointsize, c=colour, linewidth=linewidth ) if centers is not None: for idx, (center_x, center_y) in enumerate(centers): ax.plot( center_x, center_y, marker, markerfacecolor=marker_colour if marker_colour else gen_colours[idx], markeredgecolor='k', markersize=pointsize*1.2 if markersize is None else markersize, label=idx ) if anno_center: ax.annotate(idx, xy=(center_x, center_y)) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) fig.suptitle(title) if legend: ax.legend() return ax
[docs]def barchart_categories(data, colours=None, title='', tickfont='small', xlabel_dict=None, barlabel_dict=None, width=0.9, rotation='vertical', file_name=None, fig_size=None, fig_aspect=None): """ :param data: DataFrame where the number of rows indicates how many bars will plotted per column :param colours: must be equal the number of data rows if supplied or it will be blue by default :param title: chart title :param tickfont: font size for ticks (only for column axis) :param xlabel_dict: a mapping to the acual labels to use for the columns. Defaults to columns' names :param barlabel_dict: a mapping to the acual labels to use for the row. Defaults to rows' names :param width: bar width :return: axis instance """ if colours is None: colours = ('b',) * len(data.index) if fig_aspect is not None: fig_size = plt.figaspect(fig_aspect) fig = plt.figure(dpi=300, figsize=fig_size) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) base_index = numpy.arange(0., len(data.columns) * len(data.index), len(data.index)) for idx, (row_name, series) in enumerate(data.iterrows()): base_index + idx * width, series, color=colours[idx], label=row_name if barlabel_dict is None else barlabel_dict[idx] ) ax.set_xticks(base_index + len(data.index) / 2.) xlabels = ax.set_xticklabels( [ col_id if xlabel_dict is None else xlabel_dict[col_id] for col_id in data.columns ], rotation=rotation ) ax.legend() ax.set_xlim(0, max(base_index) + (width * len(data.index))) ax.set_title(title) if file_name is not None: fig.savefig(file_name, bbox_inches='tight', bbox_extra_artist=(xlabels,)) fig.clf() return ax
[docs]def plot_contig_assignment_bar(series, taxon_colours=None, log_scale=False, index=None, file_name=None, fig_aspect=None, xlabels_size=8): """ Plots barchart for contig assignment :param series: :class:`pandas.Series` instance with the data :param dict taxon_colours: colour of the bars for each taxon :param bool log_scale: if True the y axis is log scaled :param tuple fig_aspect: tuple with figure size :param int xlabels_size: size of the taxon labels :param index: optional :class:`pandas.Index` used to reindex the series :param str file_name: name of the file to write the graph to """ "Plotting %d taxa, using colours (%s) and log scale (%s)", len(series), 'no' if not taxon_colours else 'yes', 'no' if not log_scale else 'yes' ) if index is not None: series = series.reindex(index) if fig_aspect is None: fig_aspect = plt.figaspect(2. / len(series)) "Graph size %r and label size %d", tuple(fig_aspect), xlabels_size ) fig = plt.figure(dpi=300, figsize=fig_aspect) ax = plt.subplot(111) colours = [taxon_colours[taxon_name] for taxon_name in series.index], series.count() + 1), series, color=colours, log=log_scale, align='center') ax.set_xlim(0, series.count() + 1) ax.set_xticks(range(1, series.count() + 1)) xlabels = ax.set_xticklabels(series.index, rotation='vertical', fontsize=xlabels_size) ax.grid(True, axis='y') ax.set_ylabel('Number of contigs assigned', fontsize='medium', horizontalalignment='right') ax.set_xlabel('Taxa', fontsize='medium') if file_name is not None:"Saving graph to file %s", file_name) fig.savefig(file_name, bbox_inches='tight', bbox_extra_artist=(xlabels,)) fig.clf() return ax
[docs]def scatter_gene_values(gene_dict, xlabel="Profile pN/pS", ylabel="Rumen pN/pS", title="", colours=None, file_name=None, plot_order=None, line_colour='r', max_limit=None, axes=None): """ Plots gene-taxon pN/pS from profiles against their observed values. :param dict gene_dict: dictionary that contains the data :param str xlabel: label for x axis :param str ylabel: label for y axis :param str title: graph title :param colours: colours used in for the different datasets; defaults to TAXON_COLOURS :param str file_name: path to which the graph is to be saved (by default) it doesn't write to disk :param iterable plot_order: the order used in plotting the data points; default to the order of the gene_dict dictionary keys :param coloUr: valid colour for the lines in the plot :param float max_limit: used to put a limit on the plot :param axes: optional axes used to draw the scatter plot :return: the axis object used for the plot """ if colours is None: colours = TAXON_COLOURS if plot_order is None: plot_order = gene_dict.keys() if axes is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) else: ax = axes for root in plot_order: root_values = gene_dict[root] values = numpy.array(root_values) if values.size == 0: continue ax.scatter(values[:, 0], values[:, 1], color=colours[root], label=root) if max_limit is None: max_limit = max(ax.get_xlim()[1], ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.plot(numpy.arange(0., max_limit + 1), numpy.arange(0., max_limit + 1), color=line_colour) ax.axvline(1.0, color=line_colour) ax.axhline(1.0, color=line_colour) ax.set_xlim(left=0., right=max_limit) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0., top=max_limit) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_title(title) if file_name is not None:"Saving graph to file %s", file_name) fig.savefig(file_name) fig.clf() return ax
[docs]def map_taxon_to_colours(taxa, taxonomy, default_colour='#ffff33'): """ Returns a dictionary of taxa and their assigned colours based on :data:`TAXON_COLOURS` and the taxonomy provided. Uses the :func:`taxon.Taxonomy.get_taxon_root` to determine the root of a taxon. :param iterable taxa: iterable of taxon ids :param Taxonomy taxonomy: taxonomy instance :param default_colour: colour used in case there's no known root for the taxon :return dict: dictionary mapping taxon_id to colour """"Assigning taxa colours") tx_colours = {} for taxon_id in taxa: try: tx_colours[taxon_id] = TAXON_COLOURS[ taxonomy.get_taxon_root(taxon_id).s_name ] except KeyError: tx_colours[taxon_id] = default_colour return tx_colours
get_taxon_colors_new = map_taxon_to_colours