Source code for

SNPDat reader
import logging
from builtins import object
import mgkit.utils.sequence
from import open_file

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SNPDatRow(object): """ Class containing information ouputted by SNPDat in its result file. One instance contains information about a row in the file. Attributes: chr_name (str): the queried SNPs chromosome ID chr_pos (int): queried SNPs genomic location in_feat (bool): Whether or not the queried SNP was within a feature region (str): Region containing the SNP; either exonic, intronic or intergenic feat_dist (int): Distance to nearest feature feature (str): Either the closest feature to the SNP or the feature containing the SNP num_features (int): number of different features that the SNP is annotated to feat_num (int): number of annotations of the current feature feat_start (int): Start of feature (bp) feat_end (int): End of feature (bp) gene_id (str): gene ID for the current feature gene_name (str): gene name for the current feature transcript_id (str): transcript ID for the current feature transcript_name (str): transcript name for the current feature exon (tuple): exon that contains the current feature and the total number of annotated exons for the gene containing the feature strand (str): strand sense of the feature ann_frame (str): annotated reading frame (when contained in the GTF) frame (str): reading frame estimated by SNPdat num_stops (int): estimated number of stop codons in the estimated reading frame codon (tuple): codon containing the SNP, position in the codon and reference base and mutation nuc_change (tuple): amino acid for the reference codon and new amino acid with the mutation in place nuc_ref (str, None): reference nucleotide aa_change (str): amino acid for the reference codon and new amino acid with the mutation in place synonymous (bool): Whether or not the mutation is synonymous protein_id (str): protein ID for the current feature messages (str): messages in the SNPDat line """ __slots__ = ( 'chr_name', 'chr_pos', 'in_feat', 'region', 'feat_dist', 'feature', 'num_features', 'feat_num', 'feat_start', 'feat_end', 'gene_id', 'gene_name', 'transcript_id', 'transcript_name', 'exon', 'strand', 'ann_frame', 'frame', 'num_stops', 'codon', 'nuc_change', 'nuc_ref', 'aa_change', 'synonymous', 'protein_id', 'messages' ) def __init__(self, line=None, rev_comp=None): if rev_comp is None: rev_comp = mgkit.utils.sequence.REV_COMP if line: line = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') self.chr_name = line[0].lower() # The queried SNPs chromosome ID self.chr_pos = int(line[1]) # The queried SNPs genomic location # Whether or not the queried SNP was within a feature self.in_feat = True if line[2] == 'Y' else False # exonic - in a annotation - check overlapping genes # intergenic - between two features # NA - no annotation for that contig/snp # Region containing the SNP; either exonic, intronic or intergenic self.region = line[3].lower() # Distance to nearest feature if line[4] != 'NA': self.feat_dist = int(line[4].replace('*^', '')) else: self.feat_dist = 'NA' # Either the closest feature to the SNP or the feature containing # the SNP self.feature = line[5].lower() # The number of different features that the SNP is annotated to self.num_features = 0 if line[6] == 'NA' else int(line[6]) # The number of annotations of the current feature if line[6] == 'NA': self.feat_num = 0 else: tuple(int(x) for x in line[7][1:-1].split('/')) # Start of feature (bp) self.feat_start = 0 if line[6] == 'NA' else int(line[8]) # End of feature (bp) self.feat_end = 0 if line[6] == 'NA' else int(line[9]) self.gene_id = line[10] # The gene ID for the current feature self.gene_name = line[11] # The gene name for the current feature # The transcript ID for the current feature self.transcript_id = line[12] # The transcript name for the current feature self.transcript_name = line[13] # The exon that contains the current feature and the total number # of annotated exons for the gene containing the feature self.exon = tuple(x for x in line[14][1:-1].split('/')) # The strand sense of the feature self.strand = line[15].replace('*', '') # The annotated reading frame (when contained in the GTF) self.ann_frame = line[16] # The reading frame estimated by SNPdat self.frame = line[17].replace('*', '') # The estimated number of stop codons in the estimated reading # frame if line[6] == 'NA': self.num_stops = 0 else: self.num_stops = int(line[18].replace('^', '')) # The codon containing the SNP, position in the codon and reference # base and mutation codon = line[19] if codon.startswith('['): # first base codon = (tuple(codon[1:-3].split('/')), codon[-2], codon[-1]) if self.strand != '-': self.nuc_change = codon[0][1] else: self.nuc_change = rev_comp[codon[0][1]] if self.strand != '-': self.nuc_ref = codon[0][0] else: self.nuc_ref = rev_comp[codon[0][0]] elif codon.endswith(']'): # third base codon = (codon[0], codon[1], tuple(codon[3:-1].split('/'))) if self.strand != '-': self.nuc_change = codon[2][1] else: self.nuc_change = rev_comp[codon[2][1]] if self.strand != '-': self.nuc_ref = codon[2][0] else: self.nuc_ref = rev_comp[codon[2][0]] elif codon == 'NA': codon = None self.nuc_change = None self.nuc_ref = None else: # second base codon = (codon[0], tuple(codon[2:-2].split('/')), codon[-1]) if self.strand != '-': self.nuc_change = codon[1][1] else: self.nuc_change = rev_comp[codon[1][1]] if self.strand != '-': self.nuc_ref = codon[1][0] else: self.nuc_ref = rev_comp[codon[1][0]] self.codon = codon # The amino acid for the reference codon and new amino acid with # the mutation in place if line[20] == 'NA': self.aa_change = (None, None) else: self.aa_change = tuple(x for x in line[20][1:-1].split('/')) # Whether or not the mutation is synonymous self.synonymous = True if line[21] == 'Y' else False # The protein ID for the current feature self.protein_id = line[22] # not in a result file if no dbSNP ('-d' options) specified # self.rs_id = line[23] #The RS identifier for queries that map to # known SNPs self.messages = line[23] # Error messages, warnings etc def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): if self.codon is not None: codon = [ x if isinstance(x, str) else '[{0}/{1}]'.format(*x) for x in self.codon ] codon = "{0}{1}{2}".format(*codon) else: codon = None return "{0}:{1} {2} - [{3}/{4}]".format(self.chr_name, self.chr_pos, codon, *self.aa_change)
[docs]def snpdat_reader(f_handle): """ Simple SNPDat reader. f_handle: file handle or string for the SNPDat result file :return: generator of SNPDatRow instances """ if isinstance(f_handle, str): f_handle = open_file(f_handle, 'r')"Reading from file %s", f_handle.readline() # skips header line for line in f_handle: line = line.decode('ascii') try: yield SNPDatRow(line) except ValueError: LOG.critical(line) LOG.exception("Error reading line") raise ValueError