Source code for

Blast routines and parsers

import logging
from builtins import range, zip
from future.utils import viewitems
from . import gff
from . import open_file

NUM_LINES = 10 ** 6

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def add_blast_result_to_annotation(annotation, gi_taxa_dict, taxonomy, threshold=60): """ .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 Adds blast information to a GFF annotation. :param annotation: GFF annotation object :param dict gi_taxa_dict: dictionary returned by :func:`parse_gi_taxa_table`. :param taxonomy: Uniprot taxonomy, used to add the taxon name to the annotation """ try: hit = gi_taxa_dict[annotation.attributes.ko_idx] except KeyError: return if hit.score <= threshold: return try: # skips if the ID is not in the Uniprot Taxonomy annotation.attributes.blast_taxon = taxonomy[hit.taxon_id].s_name annotation.attributes.blast_taxon_idx = hit.taxon_id except KeyError: return
[docs]def parse_blast_tab(file_handle, seq_id=0, ret_col=(0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 11), key_func=None, value_funcs=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.12 Parses blast output tab format, returning for each line a key (the query id) and the columns requested in a tuple. Arguments: file_handle (file): file name or file handle for the blast ouput seq_id (int): index for the column which has the query id ret_col (list, None): list of indexes for the columns to be returned or *None* if all columns must be returned key_func (None, func): function to transform the query id value in the key returned. If *None*, the query id is used value_funcs (None, list): list of functions to transform the value of all the requested columns. If *None* the values are not converted Yields: tuple: iterator of tuples with the first element being the query id after key_func is applied, if requested and the second element of the tuple is a tuple with the requested columns *ret_col* .. table:: BLAST+ used with `-outfmt 6`, default columns +--------------+--------------------------------+ | column index | description | +==============+================================+ | 0 | query name | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 1 | subject name | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 2 | percent identities | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 3 | aligned length | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 4 | number of mismatched positions | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 5 | number of gap positions | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 6 | query sequence start | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 7 | query sequence end | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 8 | subject sequence start | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 9 | subject sequence end | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 10 | e-value | +--------------+--------------------------------+ | 11 | bit score | +--------------+--------------------------------+ """ if key_func is None: def key_func(x): return x if ret_col is None: ret_col = list(range(12)) if value_funcs is None: value_funcs = [lambda x: x for y in range(len(ret_col))] if isinstance(file_handle, str): file_handle = open_file(file_handle, 'r') "Reading BLAST results from file (%s)", getattr(file_handle, 'name', repr(file_handle)) ) lineno = 0 comments = 0 for lineno, line in enumerate(file_handle): line = line.decode('ascii') if line.startswith('#'): comments += 1 continue line = line.strip() if not line: continue line = line.split('\t') key = key_func(line[seq_id]) values = tuple( func(line[index]) for index, func in zip(ret_col, value_funcs) ) yield key, values'Read %d BLAST records', lineno + 1 - comments)
[docs]def parse_uniprot_blast(file_handle, bitscore=40, db='UNIPROT-SP', dbq=10, name_func=None, feat_type='CDS', seq_lengths=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.12 .. versionchanged:: 0.1.13 added *name_func* argument .. versionchanged:: 0.2.1 added *feat_type* .. versionchanged:: 0.2.3 added *seq_lengths* and added subject *start* and *end* and *e-value* Parses BLAST results in tabular format using :func:`parse_blast_tab`, applying a basic bitscore filter. Returns the annotations associated with each BLAST hit. Arguments: file_handle (str, file): file name or open file handle bitscore (int, float): the minimum bitscore for an annotation to be accepted db (str): database used dbq (int): an index indicating the quality of the sequence database used; this value is used in the filtering of annotations name_func (func): function to convert the name of the database sequences. Defaults to `lambda x: x.split('|')[1]`, which can be be used with fasta files provided by Uniprot feat_type (str): feature type in the GFF seq_lengths (dict): dictionary with the sequences lengths, used to deduct the frame of the '-' strand Yields: Annotation: instances of :class:`` instance of each BLAST hit. """ if name_func is None: def name_func(x): return x.split('|')[1] ret_col = (0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) # the second function extract the Uniprot ID from the sequence header value_funcs = ( str, name_func, float, int, int, int, int, float, float ) for seq_id, hit in parse_blast_tab(file_handle, ret_col=ret_col, value_funcs=value_funcs): if hit[-1] < bitscore: continue seq_len = None if seq_lengths is None else seq_lengths[seq_id] yield gff.from_nuc_blast(hit, db=db, dbq=dbq, feat_type=feat_type, seq_len=seq_len)
[docs]def parse_fragment_blast(file_handle, bitscore=40.0): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.13 Parse the output of a BLAST output where the sequences are the single annotations, so the sequence names are the *uid* of the annotations. The only returned values are the best hits, maxed by bitscore and identity. Arguments: file_handle (str, file): file name or open file handle bitscore (float): minimum bitscore for accepting a hit Yields: tuple: a tuple whose first element is the *uid* (the sequence name) and the second is the a list of tuples whose first element is the GID (NCBI identifier), the second one is the identity and the third is the bitscore of the hit. """ value_funcs = (lambda x: x.split('|')[1], float, float) iterator = parse_blast_tab( file_handle, ret_col=(1, 2, 11), value_funcs=value_funcs ) uidmap = {} for uid, hit in iterator: if hit[-1] < bitscore: continue try: uidmap[uid].append(hit) except KeyError: uidmap[uid] = [hit] for uid, hits in viewitems(uidmap): # returns the hit with the max bitscore and max identity yield uid, hits
[docs]def parse_accession_taxa_table(file_handle, acc_ids=None, key=1, value=2, num_lines=NUM_LINES, no_zero=True): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.5 .. versionchanged:: 0.3.0 added *no_zero* This function superseeds :func:`parse_gi_taxa_table`, since NCBI is deprecating the GIDs in favor of accessions like *X53318*. The new file can be found at the NCBI ``, for DNA sequences (*nt* DB) *nucl_gb.accession2taxid.gz*. The file contains 4 columns, the first one is the accession without its version, the second one includes the version, the third column is the taxonomic identifier and the fourth is either the old GID or **na**. The column used as key is the *second*, since by default the fasta headers used in NCBI DBs use the versioned identifier. To use the GID as key, the *key* parameter can be set to 3, but if no identifier is found (*na* as per the file README), the line is skipped. Arguments: file_handle (str, file): file name or open file handle acc_ids (None, list): if it's not `None` only the keys included in the passed `acc_ids` list will be returned key (int): 0-based index for the column to use as accession. Defaults to the versioned accession that is used in GenBank fasta files. num_lines (None, int): number of which a message is logged. If None, no message is logged no_zero (bool): if True (default) a key with taxon_id of 0 is not yield .. note:: GIDs are being phased out in September 2016: """ file_handle = open_file(file_handle, 'rb') "Reading taxonomic information from file (%s)", getattr(file_handle, 'name', repr(file_handle)) ) if acc_ids is not None: acc_ids = set(acc_ids) zero_acc = 0 idx = 0 for idx, line in enumerate(file_handle): line = line.decode('ascii') # skip header if line.startswith('accession'): continue if (num_lines is not None) and ((idx + 1) % num_lines == 0):"Parsed %d lines", idx + 1) line = line.strip().split('\t') acc_id = line[key] if (acc_ids is not None) and (acc_id not in acc_ids): continue # this is the case if the column used as key is the fourth (GID) and # the GID is not available for that accession. The best case is to skip if acc_id.lower() == 'na': continue taxon_id = int(line[value]) # in cases where 0 is the organism (doesn't exist in the taxonomy) if no_zero and (taxon_id == 0): # LOG.warning("accession '%s' has taxon_id 0", acc_id) zero_acc += 1 continue yield acc_id, taxon_id if no_zero and (zero_acc > 0): LOG.warning("%d accessions have taxon_id 0", zero_acc) if idx == 0: LOG.error("The file passed is empty") else:"Parsed %d lines", idx + 1)