Source code for mgkit.filter.taxon

.. versionadded:: 0.1.9

Taxa filtering functions

from .common import FilterFails
from ..taxon import is_ancestor
import functools

[docs]def filter_taxon_by_id_list(taxon_id, filter_list=None, exclude=False, func=None): """ Filter a taxon_id against a list of taxon ids. Returns True if the conditions of the filter are met. If func is not None, a function that accepts two values is expected, it should be either a partial `is_ancestor` which only accepts taxon_id and anc_id or another function that behaves the same way. .. note:: if func is None, a simple lambda is used to test identity:: func = lambda t_id, a_id: t_id == a_id Arguments: taxon_id (int): the taxon id to filter filter_list (iterable): an iterable with taxon ids exclude (bool): if the filter is reversed (i.e. included if NOT found) func (func or None): a function that accepts taxon_id and an anc_id and returns a bool to indicated if anc_id is ancestor of taxon_id. Equivalent to :func:`~mgkit.taxon.is_ancestor`. Returns: bool: True if the taxon_id is in the filter list (or a descendant of it) False if it's not found. Exclude equal to True reverse the result. +-------+---------+--------------+ | Found | Exclude | Return Value | +=======+=========+==============+ | Yes | False | True | +-------+---------+--------------+ | No | False | False | +-------+---------+--------------+ | Yes | True | False | +-------+---------+--------------+ | No | True | True | +-------+---------+--------------+ Example: If using func and assuming that `taxonomy` is an instance of :class:`~mgkit.taxon.Taxonomy` with data loaded: >>> import functools >>> import mgkit.taxon >>> func = functools.partial(mgkit.taxon.is_ancestor, taxonomy) >>> filter_taxon_by_id_list(1200582, [838], func=func) True """ if func is None: def func(t_id, a_id): return t_id == a_id if filter_list is None: raise FilterFails('No filter_list') ret_val = any( func(taxon_id, filter_id) for filter_id in filter_list ) return ret_val ^ exclude
[docs]def filter_by_ancestor(taxon_id, filter_list=None, exclude=False, taxonomy=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.13 Convenience function for :func:`filter_taxon_by_id_list`, as explained in the latter example. """ if filter_list is None: raise FilterFails('No filter_list') func = functools.partial(is_ancestor, taxonomy) return filter_taxon_by_id_list( taxon_id, filter_list=filter_list, func=func, exclude=exclude )