Source code for mgkit.counts.func

.. versionadded:: 0.1.13

Misc functions for count data
import sys
import logging
import itertools
import functools
from collections import Counter
from future.utils import viewitems

from mgkit.filter import taxon as tx_filters
from import open_file
import mgkit.simple_cache

import pandas

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SKIP = set(

[docs]def load_htseq_counts(file_handle, conv_func=int): """ .. versionchanged:: 0.1.15 added *conv_func* parameter Loads an HTSeq-count result file Arguments: file_handle (file or str): file handle or string with file name conv_func (func): function to convert the number from string, defaults to *int*, but *float* can be used as well Yields: tuple: first element is the gene_id and the second is the count """ if isinstance(file_handle, str): file_handle = open_file(file_handle, 'rb') if getattr(file_handle, 'name', None) is not None:"Loading HTSeq-count file %s", for line in file_handle: line = line.decode('ascii') gene_id, count = line.rstrip().split('\t') if line.startswith('__') or (gene_id in SKIP): continue yield gene_id, conv_func(count)
[docs]def batch_load_htseq_counts(count_files, samples=None, cut_name=None): """ Loads a list of htseq count result files and returns a DataFrame (IDxSAMPLE) The sample names are names are the file names if *samples* and *cut_name* are *None*, supplying a list of sample names with *samples* is the preferred way, and *cut_name* is used for backward compatibility and as an option in cases a string replace is enough. Arguments: count_files (file or str): file handle or string with file name samples (iterable): list of sample names, in the same order as *count_files* cut_name (str): string to delete from the the file names to get the sample names Returns: pandas.DataFrame: with sample names as columns and gene_ids as index """ counts = {} iterator = itertools.zip_longest( count_files, [] if samples is None else samples ) for fname, sample in iterator: if sample is None: if cut_name is not None: sample = fname.replace(cut_name, '') else: sample = fname counts[sample] = pandas.Series(load_htseq_counts(fname)) return pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(counts)
[docs]def get_uid_info(info_dict, uid): """ Simple function to get a value from a dictionary of tuples (gene_id, taxon_id) """ return info_dict[uid]
[docs]def get_uid_info_ann(annotations, uid): """ Simple function to get a value from a dictionary of annotations """ annotation = annotations[uid] return annotation.gene_id, annotation.taxon_id
[docs]def filter_counts(counts_iter, info_func, gfilters=None, tfilters=None): """ Returns counts that pass filters for each *uid* associated *gene_id* and *taxon_id*. Arguments: counts_iter (iterable): iterator that yields a tuple (uid, count) info_func (func): function accepting a *uid* that returns a tuple *(gene_id, taxon_id)* gfilters (iterable): list of filters to apply to each *uid* associated *gene_id* tfilters (iterable): list of filters to apply to each *uid* associated *taxon_id* Yields: tuple: *(uid, count)* that pass filters """ for uid, count in counts_iter: try: gene_id, taxon_id = info_func(uid) except KeyError: continue if tfilters is not None: if taxon_id is None: continue if not all(tfilter(taxon_id) for tfilter in tfilters): continue if gfilters is not None: if not all(gfilter(taxon_id) for gfilter in gfilters): continue yield uid, count
[docs]def map_counts(counts_iter, info_func, gmapper=None, tmapper=None, index=None, uid_used=None): """ .. versionchanged:: 0.1.14 added *index* parameter .. versionchanged:: 0.1.15 added *uid_used* parameter Maps counts according to the gmapper and tmapper functions. Each mapped gene ID count is the sum of all uid that have the same ID(s). The same is true for the taxa. Arguments: counts_iter (iterable): iterator that yields a tuple (uid, count) info_func (func): function accepting a *uid* that returns a tuple *(gene_id, taxon_id)* gmapper (func): fucntion that accepts a *gene_id* and returns a list of mapped IDs tmapper (func): fucntion that accepts a *taxon_id* and returns a new *taxon_id* index (None, str): if None, the index of the Series if *(gene_id, taxon_id)*, if a str, it can be either *gene* or *taxon*, to specify a single value uid_used (None, dict): an empty dictionary in which to store the *uid* that were assigned to each key of the returned pandas.Series. If *None*, no information is saved Returns: pandas.Series: array with MultiIndex *(gene_id, taxon_id)* with the mapped counts """ mapped_counts = {} for uid, count in counts_iter: try: gene_id, taxon_id = info_func(uid) except KeyError: continue if gmapper is not None: gene_ids = gmapper(gene_id) else: gene_ids = [gene_id] if tmapper is not None: taxon_id = tmapper(taxon_id) if taxon_id is None: continue for map_id in gene_ids: if index is None: key = (map_id, taxon_id) elif index == 'gene': key = map_id elif index == 'taxon': key = taxon_id try: mapped_counts[key] += count if uid_used is not None: uid_used[key].add(uid) except KeyError: mapped_counts[key] = count if uid_used is not None: uid_used[key] = set([uid]) return pandas.Series(mapped_counts)
[docs]def map_taxon_id_to_rank(taxonomy, rank, taxon_id, include_higher=True): """ Maps a *taxon_id* to the request taxon rank. Returns *None* if *include_higher* is False and the found rank is not the one requested. Internally uses :meth:`mgkit.taxon.Taxonomy.get_ranked_taxon` Arguments: taxonomy: taxonomy instance rank (str): taxonomic rank requested taxon_id (int): taxon_id to map include_higher (bool): if False, any rank different than the requested one is discarded Returns: (int, None): if the mapping is successful, the ranked taxon_id is returned, otherwise *None* is returned """ if taxon_id is None: return None ranked = taxonomy.get_ranked_taxon(taxon_id, rank) if (include_higher is False) and (ranked.rank != rank): return None return ranked.taxon_id
[docs]def map_gene_id_to_map(gene_map, gene_id): """ Function that extract a list of gene mappings from a dictionary and returns an empty list if the *gene_id* is not found. """ return gene_map.get(gene_id, [])
[docs]def load_sample_counts(info_dict, counts_iter, taxonomy, inc_anc=None, rank=None, gene_map=None, ex_anc=None, include_higher=True, cached=True, uid_used=None): """ .. versionchanged:: 0.1.14 added *cached* argument .. versionchanged:: 0.1.15 added *uid_used* parameter .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 info_dict can be a function Reads sample counts, filtering and mapping them if requested. It's an example of the usage of the above functions. Arguments: info_dict (dict): dictionary that has *uid* as key and *(gene_id, taxon_id)* as value. In alternative a function that accepts a *uid* as sole argument and returns *(gene_id, taxon_id)* counts_iter (iterable): iterable that yields a *(uid, count)* taxonomy: taxonomy instance inc_anc (int, list): ancestor taxa to include rank (str): rank to which map the counts gene_map (dict): dictionary with the gene mappings ex_anc (int, list): ancestor taxa to exclude include_higher (bool): if False, any rank different than the requested one is discarded cached (bool): if *True*, the function will use :class:`mgkit.simple_cache.memoize` to cache some of the functions used uid_used (None, dict): an empty dictionary in which to store the *uid* that were assigned to each key of the returned pandas.Series. If *None*, no information is saved Returns: pandas.Series: array with MultiIndex *(gene_id, taxon_id)* with the filtered and mapped counts """ if isinstance(info_dict, dict): if isinstance(info_dict[list(info_dict.keys())[0]], tuple): info_func = functools.partial(get_uid_info, info_dict) else: info_func = functools.partial(get_uid_info_ann, info_dict) else: info_func = info_dict tfilters = [] if inc_anc is not None: if not isinstance(inc_anc, (list, set, tuple)): inc_anc = [inc_anc] tfilters.append( functools.partial( tx_filters.filter_by_ancestor, filter_list=inc_anc, exclude=False, taxonomy=taxonomy ) ) if ex_anc is not None: if not isinstance(ex_anc, (list, set, tuple)): ex_anc = [ex_anc] tfilters.append( functools.partial( tx_filters.filter_by_ancestor, filter_list=ex_anc, exclude=True, taxonomy=taxonomy ) ) if cached: tfilters = [ mgkit.simple_cache.memoize(tfilter) for tfilter in tfilters ] gmapper = None tmapper = None if rank is not None: tmapper = functools.partial( map_taxon_id_to_rank, taxonomy, rank, include_higher=include_higher ) if cached: tmapper = mgkit.simple_cache.memoize(tmapper) if gene_map is not None: gmapper = functools.partial( map_gene_id_to_map, gene_map ) if cached: gmapper = mgkit.simple_cache.memoize(gmapper) series = map_counts( filter_counts( counts_iter, info_func, gfilters=None, tfilters=tfilters ), info_func, gmapper=gmapper, tmapper=tmapper, uid_used=uid_used ) return series
[docs]def load_sample_counts_to_taxon(info_func, counts_iter, taxonomy, inc_anc=None, rank=None, ex_anc=None, include_higher=True, cached=True, uid_used=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.14 .. versionchanged:: 0.1.15 added *uid_used* parameter Reads sample counts, filtering and mapping them if requested. It's a variation of :func:`load_sample_counts`, with the counts being mapped only to each specific taxon. Another difference is the absence of any assumption on the first parameter. It is expected to return a (gene_id, taxon_id) tuple. Arguments: info_func (callable): any callable that accept an *uid* as the only parameter and and returns *(gene_id, taxon_id)* as value counts_iter (iterable): iterable that yields a *(uid, count)* taxonomy: taxonomy instance inc_anc (int, list): ancestor taxa to include rank (str): rank to which map the counts ex_anc (int, list): ancestor taxa to exclude include_higher (bool): if False, any rank different than the requested one is discarded cached (bool): if *True*, the function will use :class:`mgkit.simple_cache.memoize` to cache some of the functions used uid_used (None, dict): an empty dictionary in which to store the *uid* that were assigned to each key of the returned pandas.Series. If *None*, no information is saved Returns: pandas.Series: array with Index *taxon_id* with the filtered and mapped counts """ tfilters = [] if inc_anc is not None: if not isinstance(inc_anc, (list, set, tuple)): inc_anc = [inc_anc] tfilters.append( functools.partial( tx_filters.filter_by_ancestor, filter_list=inc_anc, exclude=False, taxonomy=taxonomy ) ) if ex_anc is not None: if not isinstance(ex_anc, (list, set, tuple)): ex_anc = [ex_anc] tfilters.append( functools.partial( tx_filters.filter_by_ancestor, filter_list=ex_anc, exclude=True, taxonomy=taxonomy ) ) if cached: tfilters = [ mgkit.simple_cache.memoize(tfilter) for tfilter in tfilters ] tmapper = None if rank is not None: tmapper = functools.partial( map_taxon_id_to_rank, taxonomy, rank, include_higher=include_higher ) if cached: tmapper = mgkit.simple_cache.memoize(tmapper) series = map_counts( filter_counts( counts_iter, info_func, gfilters=None, tfilters=tfilters ), info_func, tmapper=tmapper, index='taxon', uid_used=uid_used ) return series
[docs]def load_sample_counts_to_genes(info_func, counts_iter, taxonomy, inc_anc=None, gene_map=None, ex_anc=None, cached=True, uid_used=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.14 .. versionchanged:: 0.1.15 added *uid_used* parameter Reads sample counts, filtering and mapping them if requested. It's a variation of :func:`load_sample_counts`, with the counts being mapped only to each specific gene_id. Another difference is the absence of any assumption on the first parameter. It is expected to return a (gene_id, taxon_id) tuple. Arguments: info_func (callable): any callable that accept an *uid* as the only parameter and and returns *(gene_id, taxon_id)* as value counts_iter (iterable): iterable that yields a *(uid, count)* taxonomy: taxonomy instance inc_anc (int, list): ancestor taxa to include rank (str): rank to which map the counts gene_map (dict): dictionary with the gene mappings ex_anc (int, list): ancestor taxa to exclude cached (bool): if *True*, the function will use :class:`mgkit.simple_cache.memoize` to cache some of the functions used uid_used (None, dict): an empty dictionary in which to store the *uid* that were assigned to each key of the returned pandas.Series. If *None*, no information is saved Returns: pandas.Series: array with Index *gene_id* with the filtered and mapped counts """ tfilters = [] if inc_anc is not None: if not isinstance(inc_anc, (list, set, tuple)): inc_anc = [inc_anc] tfilters.append( functools.partial( tx_filters.filter_by_ancestor, filter_list=inc_anc, exclude=False, taxonomy=taxonomy ) ) if ex_anc is not None: if not isinstance(ex_anc, (list, set, tuple)): ex_anc = [ex_anc] tfilters.append( functools.partial( tx_filters.filter_by_ancestor, filter_list=ex_anc, exclude=True, taxonomy=taxonomy ) ) if cached: tfilters = [ mgkit.simple_cache.memoize(tfilter) for tfilter in tfilters ] if gene_map is not None: gmapper = functools.partial( map_gene_id_to_map, gene_map ) if cached: gmapper = mgkit.simple_cache.memoize(gmapper) series = map_counts( filter_counts( counts_iter, info_func, gfilters=None, tfilters=tfilters ), info_func, gmapper=gmapper, index='gene', uid_used=uid_used ) return series
[docs]def load_deseq2_results(file_name, taxon_id=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.14 Reads a CSV file output with DESeq2 results, adding a taxon_id to the index for concatenating multiple results from different taxonomic groups. Arguments: file_name (str): file name of the CSV Returns: pandas.DataFrame: a MultiIndex DataFrame with the results """ dataframe = pandas.DataFrame.from_csv(file_name) dataframe = dataframe.rename( index=dict( (gene_id, (gene_id, taxon_id)) for gene_id in dataframe.index ) ) dataframe.index.names = ['gene_id', 'taxon_id'] return dataframe
[docs]def map_counts_to_category(counts, gene_map, nomap=False, nomap_id='NOMAP'): """ Used to map the counts from a certain gene identifier to another. Genes with no mappings are not counted, unless *nomap=True*, in which case they are counted as *nomap_id*. Arguments: counts (iterator): an iterator that yield a tuple, with the first value being the gene_id and the second value the count for it gene_map (dictionary): a dictionary whose keys are the gene_id yield by *counts* and the values are iterable of mapping identifiers nomap (bool): if False, counts for genes with no mappings in *gene_map* are discarded, if True, they a counted as *nomap_id* nomap_id (str): name of the mapping for genes with no mappings Returns: pandas.Series: mapped counts """ newcounts = {} for gene_id, count in counts: try: map_ids = gene_map[gene_id] except KeyError: continue if nomap and (not map_ids): map_ids = [nomap_id] for map_id in map_ids: try: newcounts[map_id] += count except KeyError: newcounts[map_id] = count return pandas.Series(newcounts)
[docs]def load_counts_from_gff(annotations, elem_func=lambda x: x.uid, sample_func=None, nozero=True): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.5 Loads counts for each annotations that are stored into the annotation *counts_* attributes. Annotations with a total of 0 counts are skipped by default (nozero=True), the row index is set to the *uid* of the annotation and the column to the sample name. The functions used to transform the indices expect the annotation (for the row, *elem_func*) and the sample name (for the column, *sample_func*). Arguments: annotations (iter): iterable of annotations elem_func (func): function that accepts an annotation and return a str/int for a Index or a tuple for a MultiIndex, defaults to returning the *uid* of the annotation sample_func (func, None): function that accepts the sample name and returns tuple for a MultiIndex. Defaults to *None* so no transformation is performed nozero (bool): if *True*, annotations with no counts are skipped """ count_dict = {} for annotation in annotations: counts = pandas.Series(annotation.counts) if nozero and (counts.sum() == 0): continue count_dict[elem_func(annotation)] = counts # LOG.debug('Returning DataFrame') count_dict = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(count_dict, orient='index') if sample_func is not None: count_dict.columns = pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ sample_func(column) for column in count_dict.columns ] ) return count_dict
[docs]def from_gff(annotations, samples, ann_func=None, sample_func=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.1 Loads count data from a GFF file, only for the requested samples. By default the function returns a DataFrame where the index is the *uid* of each annotation and the columns the requested samples. This can be customised by supplying *ann_func* and *sample_func*. *sample_func* is a function that accept a sample name and is expected to return a string or a tuple. This will be used to change the columns in the DataFrame. *ann_func* must accept an :class:`` instance and return an iterable, with each iteration yielding either a single element or a tuple (for a MultiIndex DataFrame), each element yielded will have the count of that annotation added to. Arguments: annotation (iterable): iterable yielding annotations samples (iterable): list of samples to keep ann_func (func): function used to customise the output sample_func (func): function to customise the column elements Returns: DataFrame: dataframe with the count data, columns are the samples and rows the annotation counts (unless mapped with *ann_func*) Exmples: Assuming we have a list of *annotations* and sample SAMPLE1 and SAMPLE2 we can obtain the count table for all annotations with this >>> from_gff(annotations, ['SAMPLE1', 'SAMPLE2']) Assuming we want to group the samples, for example treatment1, treatment2 and control1, control2 into a MultiIndex DataFrame column >>> sample_func = lambda x: ('T' if x.startswith('t') else 'C', x) >>> from_gff(annotations, ['treatment1', 'treatment2', 'control1', 'control2'], sample_func=sample_func) Annotations can be mapped to other levels for example instead of using the *uid* that is the default, it can be mapped to the gene_id, taxon_id information that is included in the annotation, resulting in a MultiIndex index for the rows, with (gene_id, taxon_id) as key. >>> ann_func = lambda x: [(x.gene_id, x.taxon_id)] >>> from_gff(annotations, ['SAMPLE1', 'SAMPLE2'], ann_func=ann_func) """ if ann_func is None: def ann_func(x): return (x.uid, ) if sample_func is None: def sample_func(x): return x counters = { sample_func(sample): Counter() for sample in samples } for annotation in annotations: for sample, count in viewitems(annotation.counts): sample = sample_func(sample) if sample not in counters: continue for ann_id in ann_func(annotation): counters[sample][ann_id] += count return pandas.DataFrame(counters)