mgkit.filter.taxon module

New in version 0.1.9.

Taxa filtering functions

mgkit.filter.taxon.filter_by_ancestor(taxon_id, filter_list=None, exclude=False, taxonomy=None)

New in version 0.1.13.

Convenience function for filter_taxon_by_id_list(), as explained in the latter example.

mgkit.filter.taxon.filter_taxon_by_id_list(taxon_id, filter_list=None, exclude=False, func=None)

Filter a taxon_id against a list of taxon ids. Returns True if the conditions of the filter are met.

If func is not None, a function that accepts two values is expected, it should be either a partial is_ancestor which only accepts taxon_id and anc_id or another function that behaves the same way.


if func is None, a simple lambda is used to test identity:

func = lambda t_id, a_id: t_id == a_id
  • taxon_id (int) – the taxon id to filter
  • filter_list (iterable) – an iterable with taxon ids
  • exclude (bool) – if the filter is reversed (i.e. included if NOT found)
  • func (func or None) – a function that accepts taxon_id and an anc_id and returns a bool to indicated if anc_id is ancestor of taxon_id. Equivalent to is_ancestor().

True if the taxon_id is in the filter list (or a descendant of it) False if it’s not found. Exclude equal to True reverse the result.

Found Exclude Return Value
Yes False True
No False False
Yes True False
No True True

Return type:



If using func and assuming that taxonomy is an instance of UniprotTaxonomy with data loaded:

>>> import functools
>>> import mgkit.taxon
>>> func = functools.partial(mgkit.taxon.is_ancestor, taxonomy)
>>> filter_taxon_by_id_list(1200582, [838], func=func)