Source code for mgkit.workflow.fasta_utils

.. versionadded:: 0.3.0

Scripts that includes some functionality to help use FASTA files with the

split command

Used to split a fasta file into smaller fragments

translate command

Used to translate nucleotide sequences into amino acids.

uid command

Used to change a FASTA file headers to a unique ID. A table (tab separated)
with the changes made can be kept, using the *--table* option.


.. versionadded:: 0.3.0

.. versionchanged:: 0.3.1
    added *translate* and *uid* command

.. versionchanged:: 0.3.4
    ported to *click*


from __future__ import division
from builtins import range
import logging
from uuid import uuid4
import click
from tqdm import tqdm
import mgkit
from . import utils
from import fasta
from ..utils import trans_tables
from ..utils.sequence import translate_sequence

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def main():
    "Main function"

@main.command('split', help="""Splits a FASTA file [fasta-file] in a number of
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True)
@click.option('-p', '--prefix', default='split', show_default=True,
              help='Prefix for the file name in output')
@click.option('-n', '--number', type=click.INT, default=10, show_default=True,
              help='Number of chunks into which split the FASTA file')
@click.option('-z', '--gzip', is_flag=True, default=False,
              help='gzip output files')
@click.argument('fasta-file', type=click.File('rb'), default='-')
def split_command(verbose, prefix, number, gzip, fasta_file):
    mgkit.logger.config_log(level=logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO)
        "Splitting FASTA into %d chunks with prefix (%s)",

    name_mask = "%s-{0:05}.fa" % prefix
    if gzip:
        name_mask += '.gz'"Output files will be compressed (gzip)")


[docs]def load_trans_table(table_name): "Loads translation table " return getattr(trans_tables, table_name.upper())
[docs]def translate_seq(name, seq, trans_table): "Tranlates sequence into the 6 frames" header = "{0}-{1}{2}" for start in range(3): yield header.format(name, 'f', start), translate_sequence(seq, start, trans_table, False) yield header.format(name, 'r', start), translate_sequence(seq, start, trans_table, True)
@main.command('translate', help="""Translate FASTA file [fasta-file] in all 6 frames to [output-file]""") @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True) @click.option('-t', '--trans-table', default='universal', show_default=True, type=click.Choice([table_name.lower() for table_name in dir(trans_tables) if not table_name.startswith('_')]), help='translation table') @click.option('--progress', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Shows Progress Bar") @click.argument('fasta-file', type=click.File('rb'), default='-') @click.argument('output-file', type=click.File('wb'), default='-') def translate_command(verbose, trans_table, progress, fasta_file, output_file): mgkit.logger.config_log(level=logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO) 'Writing to file (%s)', getattr(output_file, 'name', repr(output_file)) ) trans_table = load_trans_table(trans_table) iterator = fasta.load_fasta(fasta_file) iterator = tqdm(iterator) for name, seq in iterator: for new_header, new_seq in translate_seq(name, seq, trans_table): fasta.write_fasta_sequence(output_file, new_header, new_seq) @main.command('uid', help="""Changes each header of a FASTA file [file-file] to a uid (unique ID)""") @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True) @click.option('-t', '--table', default=None, type=click.File('wb'), help='Filename of a table to record the changes (by default discards it)') @click.argument('fasta-file', type=click.File('rb'), default='-') @click.argument('output-file', type=click.File('wb'), default='-') def uid_command(verbose, table, fasta_file, output_file): mgkit.logger.config_log(level=logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO) if table is not None: 'Writing Table to file (%s)', getattr(table, 'name', repr(table)) ) 'Writing to file (%s)', getattr(output_file, 'name', repr(output_file)) ) for name, seq in fasta.load_fasta(fasta_file): uid = str(uuid4()) if table is not None: table.write("{}\t{}\n".format(uid, name).encode('ascii')) fasta.write_fasta_sequence(output_file, uid, seq)