Source code for

Fastq utility functions
import re
import numpy
import logging

from .utils import open_file

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CASAVA_HEADER_OLD = r"""(?P<machine>\w+-\w+):
"Old casava header regex"

CASAVA_HEADER_NEW = r"""(?P<machine>[\w-]+):
        [_ ](?P<mate>\d): # underscore for data from from
"New casava header regex, including indices for both forward and reverse"


[docs]def check_fastq_type(qualities): """ Trys to guess the type of quality string used in a Fastq file :param str qualities: string with the quality scores as in the Fastq file :return str: a string with the guessed quality score .. note:: Possible values are the following, classified but the values usually used in other softwares: * ASCII33: sanger, illumina-1.8 * ASCII64: illumina-1.3, illumina-1.5, solexa-old """ qualities = [ord(char) for char in qualities] max_qual = max(qualities) min_qual = min(qualities) if (min_qual >= 33) and (max_qual <= 73): return 'sanger' elif (min_qual >= 33) and (max_qual <= 74): return 'illumina-1.8' elif (min_qual >= 64) and (max_qual <= 104): return 'illumina-1.5' elif (min_qual >= 67) and (max_qual <= 104): return 'illumina-1.3' elif (min_qual >= 59) and (max_qual <= 104): return 'solexa-old'
[docs]def convert_seqid_to_new(seq_id): """ Convert old seq_id format for Illumina reads to the new found in Casava 1.8+ :param str seq_id: seq_id of the sequence (stripped of '@') :return str: the new format seq_id .. note:: Example from Wikipedia:: old casava seq_id: @HWUSI-EAS100R:6:73:941:1973#0/1 new casava seq_id: @EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:15343:197393 1:Y:18:ATCAC """ machine_id, cell_lane, tile_num, x_coord, other = seq_id.split(':') y_coord, other = other.split('#') idx_multiplex, mate = other.split('/') return "{0}:0:FC706VJ:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4} {5}:N:0:{6}".format( machine_id, cell_lane, tile_num, x_coord, y_coord, mate, idx_multiplex )
[docs]def convert_seqid_to_old(seq_id, index_as_seq=True): """ .. deprecated:: 0.3.3 Convert old seq_id format for Illumina reads to the new found in Casava until 1.8, which marks the new format. :param str seq_id: seq_id of the sequence (stripped of '@') :param bool index_as_seq: if True, the index for the multiplex we'll be the sequence found at the end of the new format seq_id. Otherwise, 0 we'll be used :return str: the new format seq_id """ left_part, right_part = seq_id.split(' ') machine_id, run_id, cell_id, cell_lane, tile_num, x_coord, \ y_coord = left_part.split(':') mate, fail_filter, control_bits, index_seq = right_part.split(':') return "HWUSI-{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}#{5}/{6}".format( machine_id, cell_lane, tile_num, x_coord, y_coord, index_seq if index_as_seq else '0', mate )
[docs]def write_fastq_sequence(file_handle, name, seq, qual, write_mode='a'): """ .. versionchanged:: 0.3.3 if *qual* is not a string it's converted to chars (phred33) Write a fastq sequence to file. If the *file_handle* is a string, the file will be opened using *write_mode*. :param file_handle: file handle or string. :param str name: header to write for the sequence :param str seq: sequence to write :param str qual: quality string """ file_handle = open_file(file_handle, write_mode) if isinstance(qual[0], (int, numpy.integer)): qual = ''.join(chr(q + 33) for q in qual) file_handle.write( "@{name}\n{seq}\n+\n{qual}\n".format( name=name, seq=seq, qual=qual ).encode('ascii') )
[docs]def choose_header_type(seq_id): """ Return the guessed compiled regular expression :param str seq_id: sequence header to test :return: compiled regular expression object or None if no match found """ if, seq_id, re.X) is not None: return re.compile(CASAVA_HEADER_OLD, re.X) if, seq_id, re.X) is not None: return re.compile(CASAVA_HEADER_NEW, re.X) if, seq_id, re.X) is not None: return re.compile(CASAVA_KHMER, re.X) return None
[docs]def load_fastq(file_handle, num_qual=False): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.1 Loads a fastq file and returns a generator of tuples in which the first element is the name of the sequence, the second the sequence and the third the quality scores (converted in a numpy array if *num_qual* is True). .. note:: this is a simple parser that assumes each sequence is on 4 lines, 1st and 3rd for the headers, 2nd for the sequence and 4th the quality scores Arguments: file_handle (str, file): fastq file to open, can be a file name or a file handle num_qual (bool): if *False* (default), the quality score will be returned as ASCII character, if *True* a numpy array. Yields: tuple: first element is the sequence name/header, the second element is the sequence, the third is the quality score. The quality scores are kept as a string if *num_qual* is False (default) and converted to a numpy array with correct values (0-41) if *num_qual* is True Raises: ValueError: if the headers in both sequence and quality scores are not valid. This implies that the sequence/qualities have carriage returns or the file is truncated. TypeError: if the qualities are in a format different than sanger (min 0, max 40) or illumina-1.8 (0, 41) """ file_handle = open_file(file_handle, 'r') if getattr(file_handle, 'name', None) is not None:"Reading fastq file (%s)", check_qual = True sequence_count = 0 while True: header1 = file_handle.readline().decode('ascii').strip() # Reached the end of the file if not header1: break seq = file_handle.readline().decode('ascii').strip() header2 = file_handle.readline().decode('ascii').strip() qualities = file_handle.readline().decode('ascii').strip() if (header1[0] != '@') or (header2[0] != '+'): raise ValueError( "The sequence and quality headers are not valid '{}' != '{}'".format(header1, header2) ) header1 = header1[1:] header2 = header2[1:] if check_qual: qual_type = check_fastq_type(qualities) if qual_type not in ('sanger', 'illumina-1.8'): raise TypeError( 'Quality scores are in "{}" format. You must convert them to Sanger (phred33)'.format(qual_type) ) check_qual = False if num_qual: qualities = numpy.fromiter((ord(x) for x in qualities), - 33 sequence_count += 1 yield header1, seq, qualities"Read %d fastq sequences", sequence_count)
[docs]def load_fastq_rename(file_handle, num_qual=False, name_func=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.3 Mirrors the same functionality in :func:``. Renames the header of the sequences using *name_func*, which is called on each header. By default, the behaviour is to keep the header to the left of the first space (BLAST behaviour). """ if name_func is None: def name_func(header): return header.split(' ')[0] for header, seq, qual in load_fastq(file_handle, num_qual=num_qual): yield name_func(header), seq, qual