
Docker Instance (with Jupyter Notebook)

A preconfigured Docker instance (user: mgkit, no password) has been configured using the instructions in Installing on Ubuntu Server 16.04, including more packages for testing, available at Docker Hub (frubino/mgkit):

$ docker run -p 8881:8888 -v host-dir:/home/mgkit/notebooks/ -it frubino/mgkit

This command (assuming that Docker is already installed), will pull the instance and present with a bash terminal. IPython and Jupyter are installed and can be used. For a recap of the options:

  • -p 8888:8888 instruct to open the port 8888 on the host
  • -v mount the directory host-dir into the virtual machine /home/mgkit/notebooks/ directory
  • -it opens an interactive shell

The port to open is port 8881 on the host for using the Jupyter Notebook. The port can be change to what best fits the user. The same applies to the working directory.

After entering the virtual machine prompt, the command that is to be used to launch the notebook is:

$ jupyter notebook --ip=

After which in a browser it will possible to access it at localhost:8881.


The Dockerfile used to build the instance is available in the repository at: docs/source/extra/Dockerfile


The library is written completely in Python and has been tested with both version 2.6.x and 2.7.x. It has not been tested with Python 3.x, but the authors are trying to write code that is potentially runnable with the use of the 2to3 tool.

Most UNIX systems provide a version of Python installed. Latest versions of MacOSX provides Python 2.7.x, while most Linux variants may have different versions installed, sometimes version 3.x, but they usually provide python 2.7.x packages (Archlinux uses version 3.x by default, but a python2 package is provided). You can check the Python version installed with:

$ python --version

The library requires these Python packages:

The installation dependencies are flexible, with only numpy (version 1.9.2 or later) as being required:

$ pip install mgkit

To install every needed packages, you can use:

$ pip install mgkit[full]

Other options can be found in the file, in the extra_requires dictionary.

The optional dependencies includes:

  • scipy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • pysam
  • argparse (if Python 2.6 is installed, part of the standard library from 2.7)
  • joblib: for script translate_seq, to use multiple processors
  • HTSeq
  • semidbm
  • pymongo
  • goatools (required by mgkit.mappings.go), has package fisher as a dependency
  • rpy2 >= 2.3.8 (required by mgkit.utils.r_func)

Installing on Ubuntu Server 16.04

You’ll need to install the following packages with apt-get:

$ apt-get install -y velvet bowtie2 python-pip python \
  virtualenv python-dev zlib1g-dev libblas-dev \
  liblapack-dev gfortran libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev \
  fontconfig pkg-config

Create a virtual environment to ensure that the correct library versions are installed as explained in Using virtualenv.

Using pip

All dependencies are usually installed either through a package system provided by the running OS or through the pip installer. If you’re using a system that’s shared with other people, you may not be able to install the dependencies system-wide, in which case the –user option in pip may solve the problem [1].

A system-wide installation with pip can be done with:

$ pip install path/to/library

while a user install is done with:

$ pip install --user path/to/library

all requirements will be downloaded/installed.

Using virtualenv

virtualenv is a system that is used to isolate a Python installation, to make sure no conflicts arise with multiple packages. It’s handy if you’re developing or testing an application/library, as it provides a clean environment.

Assuming you’ve already installed virtualenv, a virtual environment can be created with:

$ virtualenv -p python2 mgkit-env

which creates a virtual environment in mgkit-env, with the interpreter used being the one linked to python2. Activating the environment requires using:

$ source mgkit-env/bin/activate

assuming you’re in the same directory where you created the environment. The pip packager is installed by default with it, so we’re going to use it to install the library if you have downloaded it already:

$ pip install path/to/library

or getting the last version from PyPI:

$ pip install mgkit

You can also install a specific version:

$ pip install mgkit==0.2.0

Using the repository

The source code can also be obtained from the Bitbucket repository.

Running Tests

The tests requires the nosetests package:

$ pip install nose

and the package yanc is used for coloring the output. If you don’t want to install it you can edit the setup.cfg and files in the source distribution and delete the with-yanc before running the tests.

You can run the tests with:

$ python nosetests

Some test won’t be run if the required library/data is not found. Consult the output for more information.

Building Documentation

Needs sphinx >=1.2.2

  • sphinx_rtd_theme
  • actdiag
  • sphinxcontrib-actdiag
  • blockdiag
  • sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
  • sphinxcontrib-napoleon (we’ll be part of sphinx 1.3, needed until then)
  • sphinx-argparse

Other libraries:

  • graphviz
  • latex (for pdf output - make latexpdf)


Some of the dependencies require available compilers to finish the installation. At the mimimum a system that provides the full GNU compiler suite, including a fortran compiler is required to install those dependencies by source.

If a compilation error is raised during installation, it’s adviced to install each dependency manually.

I’ll try to keep this section updated, but there’s not that many OS that I can keep working on (mostly MacOSX and GNU/Linux).


Sometimes HTSeq or numpy fails to install in a clean environment; it’s advised to install numpy first:

$ pip install numpy

and then reissue the library installation:

$ pip install path/to/library


The version of MacOSX is 10.9 that comes with Python 2.7 installed. To install every dependency from source, however it’s needed to install the Xcode app from the App Store which install the compilers, with the exception of gfortran. Another solution is using Homebrew or Macports, to install the compilers needed.

If you want to use Xcode, you need to install the gfortran compiler, with the package provided here. This should be enough to install most packages from source.


There seems to be a problem with pandas version 0.13.1 on MacOSX, with a segmentation fault happening when using DataFrames. The 0.14.1 version is the one tested.


if there’s a problem building a python package because of a compile error, dealing with an unknown command line option, use:

export ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future

It’s related to the clang toolchain included with Xcode


There are different solutions available if you have trouble installing the dependencies on MacOSX, one of which is hosted on this page, but installing from source is another option, provided that the Xcode and gfortran are installed.


The tricky package to install in MacOSX is actually matplotlib, with one of many solutions being posted on a disccusion on stackoverflow. In our case, installing freetype2 and libpng through Homebrew it’s the less painful:

$ brew install libpng freetype2


If you get a compilation error which refers to freetype2 in the /opt/X11/ I found it easy to delete XQuartz installing matplotlib and then reinstall XQuartz.

Or use:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/freetype/2.6_1/lib/pkgconfig/:/usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.19/lib/pkgconfig/

Note that the versions may be different.

Installing Scipy from source on Linux

A full description on how to install the scipy on Linux from source can be found at this address, be aware that the compilation of the math-atlas and lapack libraries takes a long time.

Installation in a virtual environment:

# create virtual environment, if needed, otherwise activate the one desired
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# create temporary directory to compile math-atlas and lapack
mkdir dep-build; cd dep-build
tar xfvj download
mkdir build; cd build
../configure -Fa alg -fPIC --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=../../lapack.tgz --prefix=$VIRTUAL_ENV
cd lib; make shared; make ptshared; cd ..
make install

This will compile math-atlas with full lapack support in the virtual environment; change the –prefix=$VIRTUAL_ENV to –prefix=$HOME if you want to install the dependencies in you home directory.


Not all packages are required to use the part of the library, but it’s recommended to install all of them. Requirements are bound to change, but pandas, scipy, numpy, pysam and matplotlib are the bases of the library.

To avoid problems with the system installation, I suggest using the excellent virtualenv. This will avoid problems with installing packages system-wide and breaking a working installation.

