fasta-utils - Fasta Utilities


New in version 0.3.0.

Scripts that includes some functionality to help use FASTA files with the framework

split command

Used to split a fasta file into smaller fragments

translate command

Used to translate nucleotide sequences into amino acids.

uid command

Used to change a FASTA file headers to a unique ID. A table (tab separated) with the changes made can be kept, using the –table option.


New in version 0.3.0.

Changed in version 0.3.1: added translate and uid command


FASTA utilities

usage: fasta-utils [-h] [-v | --quiet] [--cite] [--manual] [--version]
                   {split,translate,uid} ...

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

more verbose - includes debug messages

Default: 20

--quiet less verbose - only error and critical messages
--cite Show citation for the framework
--manual Show the script manual
--version show program’s version number and exit



Splits a FASTA file in a number of fragments

fasta-utils split [-h] [-p PREFIX] [-n NUMBER] [-z] [-v | --quiet] [--cite]
                  [--manual] [--version]
Positional Arguments

Input FASTA file, defaults to stdin

Default: -

Named Arguments
-p, --prefix

Prefix for the file name in output

Default: “split”

-n, --number

Number of chunks into which split the FASTA file

Default: 10

-z, --gzip

gzip output files

Default: False

-v, --verbose

more verbose - includes debug messages

Default: 20

--quiet less verbose - only error and critical messages
--cite Show citation for the framework
--manual Show the script manual
--version show program’s version number and exit


Translate FASTA file in all 6 frames

fasta-utils translate [-h]
                      [-t {bac_plt,drs_mit,inv_mit,prt_mit,universal,vt_mit,yst_alt,yst_mit}]
                      [-v | --quiet] [--cite] [--manual] [--version]
                      [input_file] [output_file]
Positional Arguments

Input FASTA file, defaults to stdin

Default: -


Input FASTA file, defaults to stdin

Default: <open file ‘<stdout>’, mode ‘w’ at 0x7fa31cd94150>

Named Arguments
-t, --trans-table

Possible choices: bac_plt, drs_mit, inv_mit, prt_mit, universal, vt_mit, yst_alt, yst_mit

translation table

Default: “universal”

-v, --verbose

more verbose - includes debug messages

Default: 20

--quiet less verbose - only error and critical messages
--cite Show citation for the framework
--manual Show the script manual
--version show program’s version number and exit


Changes the header to a uid (unique ID)

fasta-utils uid [-h] [-t TABLE] [-v | --quiet] [--cite] [--manual] [--version]
                [input_file] [output_file]
Positional Arguments

Input FASTA file, defaults to stdin

Default: -


Input FASTA file, defaults to stdin

Default: <open file ‘<stdout>’, mode ‘w’ at 0x7fa31cd94150>

Named Arguments
-t, --table Filename of table of the changes (by default discards it)
-v, --verbose

more verbose - includes debug messages

Default: 20

--quiet less verbose - only error and critical messages
--cite Show citation for the framework
--manual Show the script manual
--version show program’s version number and exit